Today my parents and I came to a small village! Main tasks: is picking strawberries! The strawberry taste sour and sweet is delicious! You know, I most like the taste of strawberries... Ok, well go to pick strawberries!
We had finished our lunch, the place where I cant wait to pick strawberries. The scenery here is not as imagination of so beautiful, but in greenhouses. However, Im not unhappy, because I know that happiness in the back! I arrived at the shelter, ah, good heat ah! Father said, so that the strawberry to grow more attractive! Strawberry, yes, here, is really very red, but not much! Father told me that all things cant get something for nothing, look! So, I began to carefully searched for. Ah! Have, have. I finally find that oasis! Originally, the largest and most red strawberries in a large a large area of the leaves of the following, strange not to find! So, I began to pick the leaves of strawberry, picking strawberries. More than 15 minutes have passed, I is already full, the basin is the largest and most red strawberries. Gradually, I also feel tired. Ah, really tired ah, really thirsty! See has strawberries strawberry leaves below, just look around strawberry masters in this neighborhood, seeing no one, I can not resist the temptation of strawberries, or dirty dont dirty, it began to eat it! Sweet, quench thirst!
Unconsciously, I pick the pick the had a big bowl! Cant, can only go home in eat, though I am tired of, but see the strawberry mood is different, really want to eat for the students!
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